The case from my practice: chronic pyelonephritis

In late September of 2016 a woman applied to me asking to treat her daughter who was suffering from chronic pyelonephritis. (She buried her son a few years ago – unfortunately, despite all the great achievements of modern medicine, nowadays young mothers still bury young children!..).

Throughout the years of my practice I have dealt with difficult patients, but this case impressed me by its polymorbing (“bouquet” of diseases) and everything what that 25-year-old lady had experienced! When we met her first words were, “Everything troubles me. It seems that everything hurts”. Then her complaints had to be written on a ten-page notebook. Her major complaint was kidney stones and renal colic - during the last four years they caused a terrible pain, forced her to spend time and energy on inpatient treatment, which was not only conservative and included strong antibiotics along with many other medicines, but also operational (stenting of the kidney was performed, stents were covered by salts, they were removed, then - again renal colic, hospital, stenting, stent removal, and so on and so on...).

Due to the homeopathic treatment prescribed by me there was immediately observed improvement of the patient’s psychological well-being, intensive salt excretion from the body started. Nevertheless,she had a renal colic again, but homeopathic medicines stopped it (to the lady’s big surprise) in several minutes! The doctor who performed ultrasound of the kidney in 6 weeks after homeopathic treatment had been started concluded that kidney concretions had not been found. Homeopathy allowed her to take medical treatment and not to miss anyday at work and, what is more, to pass exams at the University.

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